Seems like every time I come to post it's been longer than I think. I'll definitely have to try to work on that.
I have been making progress on projects, though. I've got a pair of socks almost finished. A bag destined to be felted that was an auction item in a charity auction at work, some cottolin that I started spinning and I started warping the loom for some summer and winter place mats. We won't talk about the sock that I kept knitting in the round when I was supposed to start turning the heel. I haven't been able to face frogging it yet. Though I could decide not to, since I'm going to have to redo the first sock anyway--after finishing it I decided that it was just a little too big and cast on fewer stitches for the second one.
I'm doing the place mats as a test to play with the summer and winter tie up. Even with Fiberworks PCW, I was having difficulty envisioning what the final weave will look like. So I decided I needed to do some tests.
The cottolin is an attempt to use up some stuff that's been in my stash for ages. I'm going to figure out what to do with it when I finish spinning it. There were four different colors in the starter pack that I bought at Maryland Sheep and Wool several years ago, and I'm trying to see if I can spin a nice fine yarn and then figure out a pattern to use all the colors.
Coming soon some pictures of FOs (and maybe some WIPs).
I can't seem to put a title on this entry. It's very odd. Just goes to show you that the oft-quoted definition of insanity (keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result) really just reflects what each of us does every time we get an unexpected results. I just keep clicking in the box and nothing happens, but I click again and again.
I got a lot done this weekend. Mostly starting things and designing. I do have a couple of FO pictures to post, but I need to upload them (can you say procrastination?).
I also got some stuff done in the back yard. I'm on mission to rid my yard of holly bushes. I've come to hate them in the last few years because they are a real pain to trim and keep in good shape. I'll probably have to bite the bullet and actually dig out the roots of the ones that I can reach. Otherwise I'll be constantly hacking at the new growth. Which could be entertaining for others, but frustrating for me.
Hmm...I right clicked (accidentally, if truth be known) in the box and I managed to get the cursor into the box. Somehow that doesn't strike me as the debate about whether I try to report a bug. I know that blogger would appreciate it, but it can be a pain to walk through all the info they want. Working in the computer industry and knowing how easily things can slip through the cracks, I feel compelled to report bugs when I find them, but can't always get myself to.
I think I'm going to veg out. It was a very busy day, and I'm exhausted because of it.
I've spent a good chunk of the day trying to wrap my head around summer and winter threading, tie up, and treadling. I now have some concept of the possibilities, but that just warps my brain a little bit more.
Since I'm not really sure what I want, and playing with drafts is only giving me more ideas, I think it's time to quit for the day. I keep thinking that I want one thing and then finding other possibilities as I play.
I do have one FO shot but I need to upload it. I haven't taken the time to dump the latest set of pictures from the camera. It only took me a year to finish twisting the fringe on a shawl for my mother. But I think it turned out absolutely lovely.
Took the dog for a slightly longer than usual walk this morning, since this today's a holiday in my adopted home. We tried a new park, Goldstream Provincial Park. It's an absolutely lovely area. I also need to grab the pictures that DH took there... Sounds like a good excuse to add to this tomorrow.
I got to watch the dog chase a squirrel off of the deck this morning. I think I'd better avoid putting out any wool to dry, lest I find I have a yarn thief like the Yarn Harlot. Luckily I had all the fleece that I had processed into roving so I don't have any right now. I'm making myself not buy any more until I spin at least some of what I have stashed in the closet.
Speaking of which, I want to ply the stuff that I finished spinning earlier this week. Sounds like a good thing to do now!